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Unlock the Full Potential of Product Lifecycle Management

PRO.FILE PLM/PDM is an enterprise platform for managing product and document lifecycles. Designed for manufacturers and engineering-driven companies, it integrates CAD, PDM, and DMStec systems into a single data framework, streamlining product development and data management across the entire product lifecycle.

manager and employee on show floor


woman reviewing online data in a tablet

Centralized Product Data Management

Achieve a single source of truth with centralized data storage, ensuring consistent, accurate, and up-to-date product information accessible across all departments. This improves productivity, reduces duplication, and supports informed decision-making.

Seamless CAD and ERP Integration

Eliminate manual data transfers with bi-directional integration between CAD systems and ERP platforms, reducing errors and ensuring synchronized production and engineering processes. This results in faster time-to-market and reduced operational costs.

woman reviewing data on a tablet
man working on a computer

Enhanced Collaboration and Workflow Automation

Enable cross-functional teams to collaborate effectively with task management, automated notifications, and real-time status updates. This fosters transparency, minimizes delays, and enhances project management.


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