Today marks Employee Appreciation Day, a time for all companies to pause and recognize the individual hard work and collective teamwork that drive their organization forward. It is also a dedicated moment in time for all leaders to reflect on the values of their employee base—because values are not just buzzwords; they’re the glue that connects teams globally. At Epicor, our values are: Proud, Proactive, Partners.  

In today's dynamic business landscape, these guiding beliefs are vital as they shape our internal culture, set our ethical compass, and enhance customer experiences. But it is not enough to have these creeds printed on a handout. Our company’s core values must align with our united actions.  

At Epicor, our unified action is the driving force behind our achievements. We know we are most successful when we work together. Everyone has a role to play in our collective endeavor. These vital collaborations across our organization are the backbone of our clients’ successes and the spark of Epicor’s continual growth.   

To ensure we can create collaborative, authentic connections and better work together, Epicor has implemented initiatives such as Activate 365, a global step challenge aimed at energizing all of us to reach 40 million steps collectively. The challenge united employees across all global locations in one activity: ‘walking’ to as many of our offices as possible. In doing so, we worked toward a collective goal, kept each other motivated and accountable, and prioritized the personal wellness of our fellow employees.  

We all share a pivotal role in shaping the perception of Epicor. Our actions can either reinforce or undermine our reputation as a company. Whomever we engage with, whether at peer industry events or on a phone call with a new prospect, our company values should shine through in every word and interaction.   

At Epicor, the diverse skills of our teams combine to incite powerful collaboration. We know that as an essential partner to the world’s most essential businesses, we must also work directly with our customers to ensure our products meet their unique needs and drive results. To this end, we have implemented programs such as Epicor Ideas, where customers can submit their ideas on improving any aspect of our products. We then take those ideas and crowdsource votes on which suggestions to pursue, allowing our customers to directly impact how we enhance the very product at their fingertips.  

These are just a few of the many ways that we at #TeamEpicor foster connection through shared values. Head to our Corporate Citizenship page to learn more about how you can unite with us to go further in making a positive impact on everything we do.  

I challenge all leaders to take a moment today to think about how you can proudly celebrate your team’s achievements. I also encourage us to think about how we can create new opportunities for connection to become better partners to our customers. In doing so, you’ll enable better business practices and cultivate a culture where values are not just ideals, but an everyday reflection of your company’s core.  


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