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Competitive Edge

Sharpen Your Edge in the Global Market

In a worldwide market, customers have more options to choose from. Epicor solutions designed for metals service centres can help you improve business efficiencies and set yourself apart.

  • Maximise production output with advanced scheduling and MES
  • Achieve real-time production for multi-stage deadlines
  • Increase your wins with fast, accurate estimates
Learn About Advanced MES

Improved Margins

Lower Costs and Reduce Complexities

Epicor knows the challenges of metal services distribution and manufacturing. That’s why our software solutions track the costs and margins of your business like no one else can.

  • Track expected cost and gross margins job-by-job
  • Reduce inventory costs and improve warehouse operations 
  • Simplify cost, pricing, and margin management with features like advanced units of measure
  • Track direct and indirect costs at every service level
two business partners in formal wear looking at a tablet in a warehouse
analyst looking at statistics on a computer screen

Powerful Analytics

Visibility into Processes for Better Outcomes

The whole picture isn’t good enough anymore. Epicor solutions connect data with insights so you can make empowered decisions, drive efficiency and improve operations year-round.

  • Link and share customer specifications for greater efficiency
  • Manage expectations in real-time with analytics for leadership and management teams
  • Add test results that follow jobs all the way to the customer

Have You Outgrown Your Software?

Get In Touch
Thousands of makers, movers, and sellers rely on Epicor software to help them grow and scale. Bring us your questions—we’ll work with you to curate the right solution for your business.

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