“Journey to the cloud” is a common conversation taking place among business and technology leaders. After what felt like a decade’s worth of change over the last two years, it’s clear that cloud ERP solutions helped businesses face challenges and come out stronger. Although many businesses remain comfortable with their on-premises system, there’s no denying that the march to cloud is on. In fact, 83% of businesses reported in the Epicor Industry Insights report that they now operate in a hybrid environment.

If you still have qualms about moving to the cloud, here are five myths we can help dispel to take the mystery—and apprehension—out of the process.

Myth 1—Cloud is Too Expensive

Although there will always be an upfront investment with any new system, switching to cloud can actually help save your business money. In contrast, hosting software on premises can significantly increase both your cost and risk. Servers are expensive—not only their purchase price, but in terms of power, support, and maintenance.

Jettisoning physical servers means freeing up the extensive IT resources dedicated to acquisition and maintenance. Instead, the responsibility of deploying, running, and upgrading systems shifts to a cloud vendor, giving your IT personnel the space and time they need to become more strategic and drive innovation. Cloud deployments are pay as you go, making the initial cost equally accessible to smaller businesses and larger corporations.

Radwell International is an example of a company that took the bold step of transitioning its distribution business from multiple on-premises systems to Epicor Prophet 21 cloud software. Headquartered in New Jersey, Radwell provides a large line of industrial automation products. The capabilities of the cloud-based solution, including a 30%-40% faster pick ratio, helped Radwell compete with the likes of Amazon. Today, they’re easily offering same-day shipping, providing stellar service, and scaling their business.

“We’ve been able to process orders faster… collect cash faster… grow revenue more efficiently.”
John Janthor, Radwell Vice President of IT

Myth 2—Cloud Performance isn’t as Good as On-Premises

It can be hard to trust an external vendor with decisions that impact the speed and efficacy of your essential systems, but cloud offers users the most powerful tools to help ensure top performance for your business. And cloud providers regularly update software to the latest versions, delivering them automatically to customers.  

Best of all, these benefits are yours without putting your IT staff through time-consuming updates and upgrades. While your company is providing a smooth experience for your customers, Epicor monitors cloud performance 24/7 and can rapidly scale to address demand—creating a smooth, streamlined experience for you.

Myth 3—You’ll Be Forced to Update Software Before You’re Ready

It’s understandable to be apprehensive about having to train staff on system upgrades when you’re busy. But one of the greatest benefits of choosing cloud is that your business always runs the latest version of the software. So you get security updates quickly and automatically, along with access to new features when they’re released.

For major releases, Epicor offers options to defer upgrades to better accommodate your schedule. We understand what it’s like to get through a busy season with time constraints.

Myth 4—Cloud isn’t as Secure

In actuality, your data is protected and constantly backed up in the cloud, making it more secure than on-premises environments. When you host a system yourself, the servers and your valuable data are on premises and vulnerable to damage, theft, or even natural disasters. Many enterprises also host email on the same network as their ERP system, which is a risk. Email is the number one way for hackers to infiltrate a system. You can isolate ERP and finance data on the cloud to eliminate that risk.

Cloud providers also continuously update their servers to manage the newest cyberthreats. Your data is always backed up on separate servers—often in geographically diverse locations thousands of miles apart—to manage the threats of physical damage or natural disasters. Compared to the long-term cost of a major cyberattack, the initial investment in a cloud solution can provide priceless security. The leaders at MPT Drive, Inc., a distributor of power transmission parts in Michigan, know this firsthand.

They moved their Epicor Prophet 21 system to the cloud after a ransomware attack. President Keith Nowak said they were considering the cloud prior to the attack, but hesitated to make the switch due to initial costs. After the attack, he contacted Epicor and quickly moved their ERP system to the cloud. As a result, he was able to get back online within hours, and get his employees back to work. His advice? “Move to the cloud, I’ll be telling everyone. Don’t be afraid of the initial cost. I don’t have to buy new servers every five years, I don’t have to maintain the servers, and the software maintenance is rolled into the monthly cost. It may seem like a lot when you first look at the per-user cost, but when you factor it all in, it just makes sense.”

Myth 5—It’s Harder to Use Third-Party Tools

Moving your ERP system to the cloud offers the agility you need to plug into applications that extend your capabilities. Using API integration, you can have accurate operational data all in one place—in real time. Wipaire Inc is an Epicor customer in Minnesota, specializing in designing and manufacturing flotation devices for small and medium-sized aircraft. They use a cloud-based ERP system to connect the key systems for all their businesses. By using the capabilities of a third-party CRM solution, Wipaire can deliver superior customer service with real-time customer information continuously updated in the cloud. They know—and meet—demand in real-time.

Getting Comfortable in the Cloud

It can be hard to trust something you can’t feel or touch.  But once you learn more about the value and benefits of cloud-based systems, you’ll feel more confident about embracing it as the way of the future. Migrating to the cloud gives your business more agility to keep pace with your toughest competitors and the biggest players. It’s this flexibility and reach that paves the way for future growth.

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