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Stay Competitive with a Best-of-Breed Solution

As a fluid power distributor, you need ERP software that can solve a variety of challenges throughout the day. Just after opening, customers may rush your front counter for a replacement hose. By mid-afternoon, your production team is finishing up a large pump assembly for an important customer. All day long, teams pick, pack and ship everything from hoses, fittings, hydraulic pumps, manifolds, and gauges. Epicor provides an industry-leading solution to help you streamline processes, reduce costs, save time, and improve customer service—despite unpredictable economic and world conditions.


Industry-Specific Expertise

Industry expertise matters: it’s why 5 of the top 10 fluid power distributors use Epicor. We help you handle complicated production orders and support your employees by simplifying hose assemblies with advanced recommendations and assembly decoders. You can also track internal routing and offsite secondary processing to improve inventory control, customer service, and efficiencies.

Accurately Predict Demand

Stay one step ahead of your customers by automatically assigning the strongest predictive forecast formula to every recurring item, for each of your warehouses.

Gain Visibility into Your Business

Essential for your business survival, you need real-time access to accurate, clear data with user friendly software that provides total visibility into every aspect of your operation.

Challenges Solved for Fluid Power Distribution

Featured Product

Epicor Prophet 21 for Fluid Power Distributors

Epicor Prophet 21 helps industrial distributor Transply, Inc. replace inefficient and manual processes to enhance customer service and drive profits.


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