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CAD to ERP Integration

CADLink, powered by QBuild, bridges the gap between your CAD system and Kinetic, streamlining your product design and development processes. Compatible with industry-leading CAD, PLM, and PDM systems, it can simplify how you create Item Master and Bill of Materials (BOM) records, directly mirroring your CAD data with a simple click. This integration is your key to maintaining accurate engineering data, accelerating time-to-market, and reducing costs.

CADLink is compatible with industry-leading CAD Systems like SOLIDWORKS®, Inventor®, AutoCAD®, CATIA®, Solid Edge®, NXTM, and more. It also works with PLM/PDM systems like SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional, PTC WindChill®, Autodesk® Vault Professional, and Siemens Teamcenter®—among others.

Explore Features


Reduce Manual Entry

With CADLink's direct integration, engineers can bypass tedious data entry, minimizing errors and ensuring that production utilizes information that mirrors work order documentation. This leads to a more efficient production process and better use of engineering resources.

Improve Data Accuracy

CADLink helps maintain the integrity of your engineering data. By keeping CAD and Kinetic data in sync, you can trust that your BOMs reflect the most current designs, leading to fewer errors and scrapped parts.

Streamline Product Development

Integrating CADLink into your workflow accelerates the product development cycle. It allows for real-time updates and seamless data flow between systems, which can contribute to on-time project completions and faster time-to-market.


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